Thursday, January 18, 2007

Frustrated and Angry

What do you think of an employer that can spend hundreds of thousands on renovations, and move people from office to office, bt they cant afford to keep you at work, to do a job, that no one wants to do anyways, and no one will be doing after you leave, because no one has time. If you can beleive it they are discussing moving this office and taking down that wall and putting another wall up some where else. It makes it very hard to want to do your job. I am just sick of this.....................CHOW

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Still Sick!!

I am back to work, but dont feel like I should be here, because I am still sick. Still coughing, still have the congestion. I was told by the nurse at the hospital the other day that this respiratory virus can last up to 8 weeks. I hope it doesnt last that long. I need to find another doctor, the one I have is an idiot. I have had a very sharp pain in my lower back now for almost 4 months, and it goes down my leg. I cant sleep stand, sit or walk with out it hurting. I looked it up on the internet and it sounds like sciatica. I brought the information to the doctor, and he yelled at me and said that he is the doctor and not me. He also told me that it was because I have to loose weight, why I have the pain in my lower back......well Bull#$%^. I have been the same weight for at least 2 years, why would I have the problem now. He wont give me anything for pain, or do any tests, just loose weight. (His wife owns the womens gym here in town, and tells me I should joint) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I dont like him. I cant loose weight any faster that I am doing right now, and I also have still been walking 3 times a week, even being sick. I dont want to go to him anymore. There are no doctors in my are axcepting new patience, I have looked into it. I didnt go to TOPS last week as I was too sick, and didnt want to give it to anyone, and besides they hold it at tghe hospital, and they wouldnt let me in anyways. Well I must go back to work...........CHOW