Monday, January 28, 2008

Life in General

Just wanted to share this with everyone. I came across this the other day and I really like it. I am not sure where you can get them but I liked the idea. My job is going great, and my boss is wonderful. I run the office, and have been in charge on varous occasions. My marriage is still a mess, and I hope that will change soon. I am going back to Alanon again, and I hope that will help me. We dont have anything in common anymore. He does his thing and I do mine, not much of a marriage huh. I am not ready to give up yet. I still have my dog and he keeps me sane. He is so funny. In the nicer weather I am planning on biking to work, my job is just off the rail trail, and close to my house if I take the trail. Not busy at work today. Will blog again another day.....Chow