Friday, October 06, 2006


What a week........well I think I will start looking for a new job. Have you ever had the feeling that you are not wanted in a job, well thats not quite what I mean but........ok how would you feel if you worked for a company through a temp agency, and the job was permanent, but they wouldnt hire you on through the company, but they tell you that they dont know what they would do with out you, but again you cant be involved in any meetings or have any input into any decissions, but someone else can take your ideas to the meeting and they are used and the other person is thanked and all you get is a slap in the face. (not litterally) How have changed your job so that things run smoother, and things get done fast, and your boss gets the praise for it. How much of this can one person take before they say...enough is enough....How about almost a year......and they still tell you, you have no say, you cant come to a meeting that is regarding your job, or the area that you work in........I told you it was a week. They are moving my office, and I couldnt even go to the meeting to find out where to..........HELLO
(I guess it is a surprise).......................On to another topic. This week end is Thanks Giving and I should be Thank ful that I even have a job......Sorry everyone for complaining! I hope everyone has a great Holliday....Lots of Love to everyone, and a Hug and Kiss for my Grand son....Luv ya sweety!!!......CHOW

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Buddy now

Me / Buddy

Buddy as a puppy

Good Day to everyone

Well this is the first post, well kind of, the other one was for my daughter. He He He.
She is a good trainer, never had a blog before, so this could be fun. She is giving me great advise on what to put in the blog. I will try and post frequently. She is posting some pics as well. Will talk again.....CHOW