Well it was a disaster!Buddy had been bugged all night by a little toddler that kept chasing him around and pulling his fir. He then turned around and snapped at her, and then was put in the vehicle for the rest of the night. I bet you think thats it right......not! The father of the little girl is a little waisted, and 3 bricks short of a house, decided to flip out. Threatened Glenn grabbed him by the neck and tried to choke him. It took 3 really big guys to get him off Glenn. Well that was the start of it......The guy then snapped and started fighting with the guy that was hosting the party, then his sons got into it.........well.....then the table got busted , the food went flying, all the fancy dishes got broke, the kids were all taken into the house, into the kitchen. Beer bottles were broke all over the place. Glass from the dishes were every where..........shall I go on. There was now 4 guys holding him down, so we said that we would leave. I got Glenn out to the vehicle, and then went back in to get Jessica, got pushed to the floor, and almost trampled on, they grabbed him again, and were able to hold him down, till we left. I cried and shook all the way home. " I almost got hit with a 2X4". .........That was our cue to go. When we got home, I called to see if everyone was ok. It takes us an hour to get home. I could not get an answer. After 1 more hour, she answered the phone. This is what I found out. The guy that hosted the party, was hit so hard in the head that he blacked out and stopped breathing, well the sons revived him and then flipped out on the guy. One of the sons has cuts all over him, and many broken ribs, the father has 2 black eyes, and a broken nose, and lots of bruises. They had to watch him all night, because he has a heart condition. One of the wives is pregnant and can not have any stress almost went into labor. (high risk pregnancy) I'm sure that Glenn will have bruises on his neck for a while. Well I left alot out because, as you can tell, it was horrible. I told Glenn we will never go back there again. We also found out that no one called the cops, because this guy is family. He even punched his own father in the stomach, and he has stomach cancer, and started throwing up blood. We were told the next day that this guy is going to jail for some other charge, for awhile, probably today. Well this was a long blog, but I thought I would share my exciting New Years Eve. The next year can only get better...............CHOW