Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Time will tell!
It has been so long since I have posted, and so much has changed:
Let me see I left my husband on March 26th 2008
Moved into housing on April 1st 2008
Had one family crisis after another
My health is failing
I hate being single, but not as much as being with someone that doesnt care.
I still need to lose weight
I am seeing a really good councellor though
I have my dog and he has been my salvation through this
I am still working in the same place as the last posting
I still get frustrated with myself, but not as much
My brother got married again, that was nice
Monday, January 28, 2008
Life in General

Just wanted to share this with everyone. I came across this the other day and I really like it. I am not sure where you can get them but I liked the idea. My job is going great, and my boss is wonderful. I run the office, and have been in charge on varous occasions. My marriage is still a mess, and I hope that will change soon. I am going back to Alanon again, and I hope that will help me. We dont have anything in common anymore. He does his thing and I do mine, not much of a marriage huh. I am not ready to give up yet. I still have my dog and he keeps me sane. He is so funny. In the nicer weather I am planning on biking to work, my job is just off the rail trail, and close to my house if I take the trail. Not busy at work today. Will blog again another day.....Chow
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I'm in a Rut!
I havent posted in so long. Since I lost my job, because of budget cuts. I have been spending alot of time at home, looking for a job. I had one for a week, but then found out it wasnt what they said it was, and my knees swelled up like balloons and I couldnt walk and my knees were giving out. I have recently found out what was the matter with my knees. It is a form of bursitis, and now I need to take it easy and rest....right. I found out that because I quit my job that they put my unemployment on hold until they get the information from my Doctor. Well it has taken 2 weeks to get in to see him and then he sent me for x rays and ultra sound, and then they got the results and I had to make another appointment to get a doctors note and that is another 2 weeks, in the mean time no money. I have to go on May 23rd to get cortisone shots and have my knees drained, they do it in the Doctors office now. Unemployment will decide by May 23rd, Yah! right. That doesnt pay the bills, so every day I get up in major pain and go to man power to look for a job. Go on interviews and make it look like I am fine. I guess I will have to commute again because there are no office jobs around here. So I will have to travel to Kitchener Waterloo. This I am not happy about. I cant work where I have to stand all day, my knees wouldnt take it. Today is a hard day. It rained all night, and my knees swelled again and were very painful. Well hopefully the next post is a happier one. ......................chow
Friday, February 23, 2007
What matters to me!

This is so true. Many times I can look in the mirror and I see something that I dont like. My self Esteem lessons that I am doing right now, has taught me to see the positive. This is very hard to do when you are used to seeing only the negative. We can always tear ourselves down, but it is harder to build ourselves up.
So I will try and see the lion in myself.